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Hear what others have to say

Shalea Glas

GVSU Student


I rate Darren Chan 5 out of 5. He is an excellent teacher! Within 5 lessons, he helped me improve a lot more than I thought I could. I started out with very little tone while playing violin, but at the end of our 5 sessions, he had me pulling a rich sound from the instrument. He was very kind and patient with me. He is encouraging, but also expects you to try and work hard. He is great at focusing on your needs as a violinist and he tailors the lessons so that they work for you. He has helped me practice violin more effectively. I have learned to become more organized when it comes to working on a piece of music. I used to rush practicing, but now, I have learned to really take time and explore within your practice. He has also taught me that when playing violin, it’s good to practice awareness of your whole body. This includes everything from breathing to regulate nerves you might feel in the moment, to being aware of how you view yourself as a violinist and human. Overall, I highly recommend this teacher.

I have known Darren Chan for just under three years and have had viola lessons from him for a year. Darren’s style is affirming, empowering, energetic, and balanced technically and musically. He uses a coaching mindset when instructing. His teaching is deeply rooted in an understanding of how the mechanics, even the physics, of how sound is made by the viola influences the music created. We have spent a lot of time understanding the importance of the right hand (bowing) in the creation of a successful sound with the instrument. We have also focused on posture, intonation (yes it can be fixed!), and vibrato (a work in progress for me!). In this past year his guidance has resulted in significant evolution of my playing. I have grown technically and musically. Darren is also a lot of fun. He is quick-witted, full of energy, very contemporary, and experienced. He has a creative side as well. While lessons can be intimidating (for me this is true), I never feel Darren is overly critical. Critical to be sure. He sees what needs to be done and lets me know. But in an affirming way. He’s even convinced me that a performance is not only possible but desirable. This is a major change for me. I highly recommend Darren for instruction in either violin or viola. He is accomplished in both. You will transform your playing and your relationship with your instrument and with music. And you will enjoy his enthusiasm, passion, and emerging wisdom. You won’t regret hiring him as your instructor.

Ed Millermaier

Current Viola Student


Rebecca Slater

Parent of former student

I met Darren when he was assigned as my daughter's private viola instructor through her junior high music program. Darren's musical ability only scratches the surface of his impact in the field. Of course, I was impressed by the progress my daughter made while under Darren's instruction but what impressed me the most was his ability to get to know her and relate to her in a way that he could use to mold his teaching style specifically to her. My daughter suffers from severe anxiety and is prone to panic attacks. Crowds and attention are very challenging for her, so performing in front of people was something I didn't think I'd ever see her do comfortably. Darren's patience, understanding, and humor turned her into someone who enjoys performing. He was able to reach her during her stressful episodes and turn the situation around by giving her the confidence to do her best. The confidence she gained from his lessons carried over into other areas in her life as well. He impacted our lives in a way that shows me he's truly a gift to his profession, both in education and music. In addition to his teaching, watching him perform is a joy. Music seems to pour out of him almost effortlessly and it's clear to see that it's his passion.

Darren proved to be a valuable addition to our faculty embracing and adhering to our mission of providing individualized music instruction in a positive and supportive atmosphere to all persons regardless of age, ability or income. In his teaching, Darren was patient when needed but firm when needed setting high expectations for his students. All students progressed well as evidenced by their polished recital performances and their successful auditions for membership in competitive youth musical organizations. He was positive when communicating with parents and when necessary, asked for their support. Darren was not fearful of asking for pedagogical advice, seeking out new or different methods of connecting with his students. This is something I truly admire in a teaching artist.


Audrey Lipsey

Music Director at the
Crescendo Academy of Music


Silvia Sidorane

Music Director at the
Portage Central Public Schools

I asked Darren to work with the Portage Central Middle School and Portage Central High School orchestra students under the Education for the Arts program grant. There he coached string chamber groups and taught private lessons. He was able to inspire students to get much better on their instruments. Darren prepared high school and middle school students for the MSBOA District XI Solo and Ensemble Festival as well as working as a guest artist for the Portage Central Orchestra improvisation workshops. Darren is an amazing teacher and conductor who can inspire and give students directions on how to strive on their instruments. He is able to connect with students in private, small and large group settings. To this day I still use his advice for violin/viola left hand position for beginner students. Darren’s work ethic is commendable and admirable.

I had the pleasure of working with Darren Chan for several years while he was an undergraduate at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. Darren served as my string coach with the Central Valley Youth Symphony Association, working both with the Preparatory Orchestra and the more advanced Symphony in weekly rehearsals, sectionals and concerts. Darren was an enthusiastic teacher; able to show both beginners and students with more experience both the musical context of what they were trying to play, as well as the technical solutions they needed on the spot to perform the music. He was very effective communicating with students aged 10-18 at their level of social skill and musical ability. Working with both violinists and violists equally well, he was an asset to our staff, very reliable and punctual, and very supportive of my work as Music Director. Darren continues to be a good friend and colleague, as well as a fine musician.


Thomas Derthick

Professor of Bass at UC Davis

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